Akash Medical Care PLLC
Help Desk : (718) 431-0009
79 Church Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218 Brooklyn, New York


Take Control with Confidence and Security

We provide assessment and treatment of Cardiology service for all types of cardiovascular diseases

Looking for cardiology services in Brooklyn? Akash Medical Care PLLC in Brooklyn, New York is here to serve you with any questions and assistance you need to ensure your heart health.

Our primary care clinic has experienced internal medicine doctors. We provide the best cardiac care in Brooklyn. We examine our patients individually to understand their unique needs. Our clinic has the latest medical technology to provide accurate results. We maintain standard practices to give you the best quality healthcare service.

pills, blood test kit, and a folder

Our Cardiology Services in Brooklyn

Our cardiology services in Brooklyn offer comprehensive treatment to treat a variety of heart related problems. We examine your heart to detect diseases. We also provide preventive care and treatment for existing heart problems. Our professional doctors guarantee you the best service. Contact us if you need routine checkups, preventive care, or treatment for your heart.

Basic Screening Tests

We check your blood pressure to assess your heart health. It helps us to identify the presence of hypertension. We monitor your high blood pressure because it is a key risk indicator for stroke and heart disease. We also examine your lipid profile to identify your risk of coronary diseases. We check the values of different types of cholesterol in your blood. This shows how much good and bad cholesterol you have in your body. Depending on the patient's need, we may ask for fasting blood sugar level test. We pulse rate in our physical examination. We also check for irregular heartbeat, murmur sounds, and swelling in the legs. All test indicates patients have heart diseases.

Diagnostic Testing

Our internal doctors conduct basic screenings such as blood pressure measurements and cholesterol levels. ECG/EKG and echocardiograms are our other diagnostic services. We perform these tests for accurate initial diagnostic assessments of your heart condition. In our clinic, you will receive precise and timely diagnoses to help guide your treatment and management strategies.

Initial Diagnostic Assessments

ECG/EKG: We conduct electrocardiogram for cardiac health assessment. This test examines your heart rate and rhythm. It can also identify irregularities in your heartbeat.

Echo: We perform echocardiograms to monitor your heart function. This test also helps to check if there is any problem related to the size and shape of your heart.

Personalized Care

Our clinic provides personalized treatment. We listen to each patient and consider their specific needs. Our assessment includes their family history, previous medical history, surgeries, and lifestyle behaviors. We create customized treatment plans based on our analysis.

Treatment and Management

Our doctors monitor your heart health if you have chronic health issues. We create a treatment plan after thoroughly assessing your health condition. We provide medications to control your blood pressure and cholesterol. We give medicine for other coronary diseases too. Doctors will also offer followup to check the effectiveness of the medication. We will also make sure you are safe from side effects.

Preventive Care

Our cardiology service provides assessments of risk factors as part of preventive care. We suggest lifestyle modifications to reduce these risks. We create diet plans based on your health status. Our doctors also offer counseling on weight management and encourage you to do physical exercise regularly. We have stress management programs too. Our doctors teach different relaxation techniques and exercises to keep your heart healthy.

Patients Education 

We offer health education to our patients so that they can take proactive steps toward keeping their hearts healthy. We provide information on risk factors and techniques to identify warning signs of heart disease. We believe empowering patients with this information helps them effectively make informed decisions about managing their cardiac health.


We offer referral services for critical patients. We perform a comprehensive assessment of each patient's cardiac health. Our doctors will provide you with treatment in case you have common health issues. However, advanced treatment is a must for complex issues such as you have congenital heart defects or experienced heart failure. In such cases we will refer you to professional heart specialists.


Our primary center offers telecardiology services for your convenience. The specialty of this service is that you don’t have to visit clinics for checkups or treatment. We will provide you with wearable devices that will continuously monitor your vitals. Our doctors will monitor your cardiac data and provide you with proper treatment. 

Why Choose Us

  • Certified Doctor: Our medical team is certified doctors with years of experience. 
  • Personalized Care: We conduct comprehensive assessments to understand your specific heart conditions and create customized treatment plans.

  • Advanced Technology: We use latest medical equipment to ensure your assessment reports are accurate. We update our tools and techniques regularly.

  • Convenient location: Our clinic is situated in a convenient location.

Schedule your Appointment

Do you want to check your cardiac health? Get your appointment now. We offer both walk in and online appointments.


Which cardiac conditions can be treated in primary care?

Primary care doctors provide comprehensive cardiology services to treat various cardiac conditions. Some of the conditions for which you can get treatment at primary care are-

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol

  • Arrhythmias

  • Coronary artery disease

How often should my PCP check my heart health?

Well, it depends on your overall cardiac health status. You should check your cardiac fitness once a year. However, your healthcare provider can recommend cardiac fitness screenings more often in case you have cardiac issues.

When should I seek immediate medical attention for cardiac symptoms?

If you experience these cardiac symptoms seek medical help immediately:

  • Chest pain 

  • Discomfort in Chest

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Severe dizziness

  • Numbness in the face or limbs

  • Sudden weakness

  • Fainting or near-fainting

  • Palpitations

Can my PCP prescribe medications for heart conditions?

Primary care physicians can prescribe medications for managing various heart conditions. We give medicine for common problems such as hypertension. We also monitor the effectiveness of the medications and adjust doses if necessary

How does my primary care doctor coordinate with specialists for cardiac care?

Your internal doctor will refer you to trusted specialists if you need advanced treatment. We provide your medical history, test reports, and other information related to your treatment. We do everything we can to ensure that treatment is carried out seamlessly between doctors.

How can I schedule a cardiac evaluation with my primary care doctor?

Contact your internal doctor's office if you want to discuss any concerns about your heart health. Make an appointment for cardiac evaluation. We will assess your heart health to find your needs. Then we will provide you with personalized treatment based on your concerns.

What should I do if I have cardiac emergency?

You should call emergency services immediately. You may feel pain in your chest or breathing difficulty if you have a heart attack. Instant medical help is important in such cases. Delays in seeking help can become life-threatening. You can chew aspirin while waiting for help. But avoid it if you have allergies or have restrictions from your doctor.

How can I prevent heart disease?

You can maintain heart health if you follow a healthy lifestyle. You should maintain a healthy diet. Your food should be low in sodium and fat. You should exercise regularly too to keep yourself fit. You have to manage your stress level as well as quit smoking and drinking. However, only lifestyle behavior is not enough. You have to monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol levels regularly. Also do annual cardiac checkups.
