Akash Medical Care PLLC
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79 Church Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218 Brooklyn, New York


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Transform your health and well-being with an annual physical checkup in Brooklyn.

Annual Physical Checkup Brooklyn
Feb 20, 2024 576 views

Do you remember when you last went to the doctor? It is always a good decision to see your doctor once a year. While some studies might suggest that regular check-ups aren't needed anymore, the truth is, they're still important. Even if it costs your precious time and money, it is more than important for individuals with certain medical conditions and genetic histories to stay in balance for a whole year. The best primary care doctors around the world recommend that everyone above 18 should perform annual physicals. The term prevention is better than cure is still valid and the only way to live healthy and green is to trust your physician and his report.

What is checked in Annual Physical  Checkups?

The first thing that is checked while doing annual physicals in Brooklyn is the individual's family, personal, and social histories. These assessments make the doctor aware of the medications for the patient that might be necessary to improve or maintain the balance. It is therefore important that you discuss this thoroughly and honestly with your doctor to get a good understanding of what should be done. Once it is done, the patient wears a gown and goes for some medical checkups including-

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
  • Physicals (head to toe)
  • Scanning
  • Cancer screening
  • Breast exam for women
  • Testicular exam for male
  • Blood work
  • Cholesterol
  • Anemia
  • Liver and kidney panel

It is also recommended that you book at least a one-week follow-up with the primary care doctor to get a comprehensive report.

Top 5 Reasons for Annual Physical Checkup in Brooklyn

Annual Physical Checkup is super important because through these checkups we get to know the status of the health. Here are the top 5 reasons why annual physical exams in Brooklyn are important-

1. It sets a benchmark: 

Everyone requires a benchmark to understand where the current health is and where it should be.  When you go for a physical exam, there are a lot many things that the physician will do to determine the benchmark that you should be at. Based on the benchmark set by the internal physician, you can then work on your goal to create a better version of yourself.

2. Monitoring and tracking your progress: 

Once the benchmark is set, it is all about resolving the things that need to be worked on. When someone comes for a medical checkup every year, he gets to know whether he has progressed from the previous year or not. This includes blood pressure, cholesterol levels, the sign of any chronic diseases and even the weight.  No matter whether it is related to your health or goals, tracking your progress and pitfalls makes you aware of the things that need to be done.

3. Early Detection: 

Although placed third, this is by far the most dominant aspect behind doing a comprehensive annual physical. Comprehensive preventive physical exams detect risk at a very early age or even before the initial phase. This allows the doctors to treat more effectively.  Many diseases are also cured before it spreads further. For example, cancer detection at the initial phase is 100% curable. It gets harder from the second or third phase. It is thus extremely important to maintain good communication with your physician to retain the wellness of your physical health.  

4. Physical well-being promotes mental well-being: 

Both physical and mental health are counterparts. One always affects the other. When someone is working on his physical health, he is surely promoting mental wellness as well. Do it for your physical health, you will do it for your mental state, too. Benefit doubled!

5. Getting to know about Health education: 

Getting to know more about health education and preventive care is crucially important because it lets every individual make more informed decisions regarding health and wellness. The founder of Akash Medical Care in Brooklyn, New York says very often that regular physical exams and preventive care makes individuals conscious about their health and decisions.This brings long term benefits as well. As he makes more informed decisions regarding health, both the physical and mental state of the individual turns out to progress gradually. 

Even if you are not an alcoholic, prone to diseases, or with certain medical conditions or genetic histories, it is still a good decision to go for a medical checkup once a year. Individuals in their twenties can make it once in two to three years with good health conditions. But like Akash Medical Care  in Brooklyn, New York has stated, from the thirties to forties or above, a comprehensive annual physical exam is the key to maintaining good health, onwards.
